The Configurable Dog Gate by Primetime is the answer for Pet Security, spanning wide area spaces. It is available in 24”, 30”, and 36” height. Due to the unique hinge design, Doorways and Room Openings, can be configured into multiple variations. This Primetime Walk-thru Door Gate allows easy access for you and others but solves all Pet containment issues. Made of Pinewood with a Walnut hand rubbed finish it will work well in any environment. The Primetime Freestanding gate folds flat in seconds for ease of storage, with rubber under-pads to protect floors. We have just added Matching Extension Panel Kits to extend this Configurable Dog Gate to 4 panels in all sizes. In addition to this very popular Gate we have added 360 Collection Wall Mount Kit in the 3 heights
Small Gate: 81.5”L x 24”H x .7”W Straight Top Door Extension Panel Kit: 54"L x 24"H x .7"W Wall Mount Kit: 24"H |
Med Extension Gate: 80”L x 30”H x .6”W Straight Top Door Extension Panel Kit: 40.7"L x 30"H x .7"W Wall Mount Kit: 30"H |
Large Gate: 88"L x 36"H x .75"W Arched Top Door Extension Panel Kit: 44"L x 36"H x .75"W Wall Mount Kit: 36"H